* These are mathematical constants used in calculations that should never change
* @module
* @since 0.0.2
/** @constant
@type {struct}
const co2_kg_per_litre = {
petrol: 2.3035,
diesel: 2.6391,
/** @constant
@type {struct}
const unit_conversions = {
mpgToL100km: 282.481,
milesToKm: 1.609344,
gallonsToLitres: 4.54609,
/* this figure is based on:
- a Hyundai NEXO having a 6.33kg tank of hydrogen
- breaking the kg tank down to get litres using https://stargatehydrogen.com/hydrogen-calculators/ with figures of:
- 700 bar pressure
- 12 degrees celsius
- 156.6 litres
- which equals 6.33kg tank
- then to get the litres per kg we divide 156.6 by 6.33 to get 24.74
NOTE: the litres SEEM too high because we are calculating litres of
compressed hydrogen gas not liquid hydrogen
hydrogenKgToLitres: 24.74,
/** @constant
@type {struct}
// formerly called Condition B
const num_cs_mode_distance_km = 25;
// the above converted in to miles
const num_cs_mode_distance_miles = 15.5342798;
// how much to increase fuel co2 by to account for creation and transportation
const production_uplift_percentage = 15;
export {